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Click Here to Register New Students (family is new to the District)

Families who have an incoming kindergarten or a new student, and DO NOT have another student currently attending school in ChurchillCSD, please complete online registration through this link.

In-District Registration:

Click Here to Register Students through your Parent Portal Account

Families who have students currently attending ChurchillCSD and have an incoming Kindergarten student or a new student, please use your parent portal account to complete online registration


The following items are required prior to enrollment into Churchill County School District:

State-Issued Birth Certificate

This may not be a birth record announcement form from a hospital. If you do not have a birth certificate you have 30 days to present one. This will not keep your child from being enrolled.

Valid ID for Parent/Guardian

Driver's license, passport, military ID, etc.

Proof of Address

Acceptable documents include a current driver's license, utility bill, car insurance, car registration, pay stub, rent receipt, lease agreement, or mortgage agreement.

Current Immunization Record

Nevada Law requires all students entering public school to be immunized.

  • Polio: 3 doses (one additional dose if #3 was given prior to the 4th birthday)
  • DTaP: 4 doses (one additional dose if #4 was given prior to the 4th birthday)
  • MMR: 2 doses (1st dose on or after 12 months of age; 2nd dose must be 4 weeks or more after the 1st dose)
  • HepA: 2 doses (2nd dose is due 6 months after 1st dose)
  • HepB: 3 doses (2nd dose is due 1-2 months after the 1st dose; 3rd dose is due 4 months after the 2nd dose; last dose must be after 24 weeks of age)
  • Varicella: 2 doses (1st dose between 12-15 months of age; 2nd dose between the ages of 4-6 years old, for those who lack medically verified proof of history of chickenpox)
  • Tdap: 1 dose (age 11-12, required for 7th grade enrollment)
  • MCV4: 1 or 2 doses (One dose required prior to 7th grade entry and, starting in the 2022-23 school year, one dose prior to 12th grade entry.) * If dose 1 is administered on or after 16th birthday, no further doses required.



Your child must be five on or before 08/01/2024 to attend KINDERGARTEN. 

Students enrolled in the Northside Early Learning Center’s Pre-K 4-year-old program at the end of the school year will automatically roll up to Kindergarten for the following year.

Once you have registered your student through the Infinite Campus Online Registration system, you and your student can fill out the course request form linked here:

Registration must be complete before a schedule can be created.

Selena Gomes & Debra Shyne